Monday, May 9, 2011

RIP Wouter Weylandt

No Manic Monday today. I've been quietly getting absurdly geeked up for the Giro d'Italia ever since what was, in my opinion, one of the best Classics seasons in recent memory. That all came crashing down with the news that Wouter Weylandt, of Team Leopard-Trek, had passed away after a horrific crash on one of the final descents of today's 3rd stage of the Giro. Ironically, he won last year's 3rd stage in Italy, and to quote Bonnie Ford of ESPN, I'm sure he would want to be remembered thusly:

Having grown up crewing for my father in sailplane competitions, I've lost close friends to sporting accidents. It's not something you get used to. In spite of the fact that I'm little more than a Fred, and very much a fanboy of these amazing athletes, I firmly believe that the cycling community is truly bound by love and understanding of the sport. A member of my extended family - of my extended peloton, if you will - however distant, has left us.

Wouter was 26, and a helluva rider. I read that his wife is expecting a baby in September, which pretty much makes this a complete kick in the gut. My most heartfelt thoughts and prayers to his family, his friends, and his teammates, past and present.

Ride in Peace, Wouter...

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Happy Anniversary

I've been racking my brain all week about a post in honor of my wife for our wedding anniversary, which just happens to be today. I had visions of heartwarming passages, anecdotes and snippets that would do justice to the woman I'm lucky enough to have bamboozled into spending her life with me. I spent so much time thinking on it, that I neglected my regular weekly posts on Monday and Wednesday. I figured it'd be worth it once I pulled something together for today.

A funny thing happened, though. Everything I put down just didn't get the job done. How do you express, in text, what it means for a person to be your rock, your pillow, your shrink, your reality check, your biggest fan, your cracking whip, your best friend, and much more all rolled into one?

The truth is, I don't know. I've spent the week putting down thoughts, but nothing does the trick. It's just impossible to encapsulate the breadth and depth of what my wife means to me. The past four months have brought it into ever starker relief. You don't ever really know how much you need somebody until you need them.

I guess that's the best way to describe it. Quite honestly, I don't know what I would do without my wife. I'm so happy she's with me, and I'm hopeful she won't wise up and move on.

With that, I'm copping out with a Quote Machine and a couple of my favorite pics. These people simply say it better than I could ever hope to. Happy Cinco de Mayo to the world out there, but an even happier anniversary to the person that keeps me going every day.