Monday, February 21, 2011

Manic Monday: A Windy Wilmington Edition

This week, my dog and I have been kidnapped by the wife and hustled off to Wilmington, NC, where she is currently finishing up a project for her corporate overlords. Having left home under cover of darkness and slept much of the way, I can say it's nice when you're wife doubles as chaffeur/head rubber for 4.5 hours. It makes the miles just melt away.

This week, we have racing, in multiple forms (running, bicycles, and even the dreaded NASCAR), on the brain. Your very windy postcard from very windy Wilmington after the jump.

The Second GUTR race was this weekend. It's becoming readily apparent that, whether it involves nudity (Scott "Full Monty" Blackburn in the 1st installment), or drawing inspiration from your father's experience racing gliders (Me this last time, and it had to do with the old POST-style tasks, in case Pop actually reads this), creative strategy is the determining factor in becoming a GUTR Champion.
It didn't occur to me until much later that I had no idea
where this thing had been in Scott's house
The Greenville Spring series started this weekend, complete with an appearance from local legend and all-around Hardman George Hincapie. I have a bit of a thing for George, as is evidenced here. Seeing him always gets me fired up, especially when he's hanging out with mere mortals. Fresh off my GUTR victory, I was tempted to get out there and mix it up. Then I remembered that I can count on one hand the number of times I've ridden my bike in the past three months and decided that discretion is, indeed, the better part of valor.

I made my annual NASCAR attempt this weekend. Being Daytona, and the 10 year anniversary of Dale Earnhardt's untimely passing, I thought I'd at least give it a shot in the hope that Junior could win one for his daddy. Turns out, NASCAR is still boring, for the most part...

That being said, seeing Trevor Bayne gut that last lap out with five guys violating his car's muffler was nothing just of inspiring. Not to use a cycling term, but Chapeau, Trevor!!!!

Wilmington is flat. The only hills are bridges. That makes running relatively easy.

Wilmington is also windy. That negates the flat terrain and makes running unpredictably difficult. Wind sucks.

The term "second wind" takes on an altogether more sinister meaning when a constant 25 mph headwind suddenly gusts and holds to 35 mph. Even the dog noticed.

College town+Beach town=loads of pretty young blonde specimens (both males and females) not wearing much clothing walking/running around.

In Wrightsville Beach, board shorts, Wayfarers, and Vans are apparently acceptable running attire.

1 comment:

  1. Have fun this week. It's windy as $#%& here at home today... good job on braving your wind for a run!
